Thursday, 17 January 2008

..and finally

Pam and I have been truly amazed at the number of friends and relations who have been following our blog. It started out for us as a record of our journey and turned into a tool by which people could communicate and comment and it was great fun to hear from all our friends back home and in other parts of the world. It's been a truly inspirational trip giving us an insight into how people from other cultures live and hopefully it'll be the pre-cursor for many other trips in the future.
Soooooooo.... thanks to everyone for your contributions and thanks too to the many hundreds(probably thousands) of people with whom we've made contact and friends during the 3.5 months we've been away. Our special thanks go to all those wonderful people who have welcomed us into their countries and made us feel 'at home', from the yankee dudes in Boston to the lovely Raratongans, the friendly Kiwi's to the Aussie sports, the polite Thais to the wonderful Laos people who have little, but offer everything they have.......................thanks a million!


Nallo Lady said...

Pam, Paul
Sorry you've had to cut your travels short and hope your sister recovers well.
Having taken your lead and am no longer working, I'm enjoying planning further our NZ trip and will be using your recommendations! It will be a challenge to create such a superb blog!

Phreerunner said...

There, got her to make a comment - her first one. I'm trying to orchestrate us doing alternate blogs when we are away, but Sue has been working too hard to practice until recently. We have really enjoyed following your (currently jetlagged?) blog and will be revisiting the NZ section before we leave on Tuesday. Well done, and happy planning for whatever comes next...