Thursday 18 October 2007

Red Coast NZ

A long overdue re-union with a cousin I hadn't seen for 44 years saw us roaring up north in our hire car to meet Jo & Paul in their lovely house overlooking the Pacific Ocean and Hibiscus Bay. It was brilliant to catch up on family news after all those years("ee!! she hasn't changed a bit"), and we were treated like royalty yet again for 2 days.

A visit to their son Mark's restaurant followed that evening, and lots of good food and great company saw us in the lap of luxury once again!

The following day we drove over to the west coast to Muriwai Gannet colony where we enjoyed great views of the rugged west coast and fascinating behaviour of the Gannets who were just starting their breeding behaviour. In the evening Paul cooked a delicious Thai curry and copious amounts of alcohol were consumed!!( me anyway!!).

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